Episode 24: Let’s Talk About S-E-X
Recently, a lot of people have been asking if we are worried about getting STD’s because we are polyamorous. So, we wanted to dive into this question further!
Specific topics include:
Polyamorous people are NOT more likely to get an STD than monogamous people. The risk is the same.
Many of us are not actually practicing monogamy while we are dating. We sleep with multiple people at the same time until we decide to commit to one person. The risk of getting an STD is just as high or higher than a polyamorous person.
Many of us were not being as intentional about our partners at this time, and we were not having conversations about STD’s and safe sex.
Sometimes, our intention was to just go out and find a guy to have sex with. Even though we eventually wanted a monogamous relationship, we were not practicing monogamy while dating and go out and having fun.
Most polyamorous people are looking for relationships and deep, intimate, emotional connections. Sex is not the main drive, so they are much more intentional about who they choose to have sex with.
Always use protection!! This is extremely important no matter what kind of relationship style you are in.
Ask new partners if they have any STD’s BEFORE engaging in sexual activity.
Talk about your rules and boundaries with your partners. It’s always good to know when your partner is going to become sexually active when a new partner.
Everyone should be getting tested regularly.