Episode 26: Darwin’s Best Kept Secret
This is Part 1 of our mini series about the book Sex at Dawn. We have wanted to do an episode about this book for so long and it’s finally here! There’s so much to cover, so we split our conversation into 3 episodes. Specific topics in today’s episode include:
What is the standard narrative? When did it come about and is it still relevant?
Did Hobbs and Darwin know that our ancestors weren’t monogamous?
We look at how Flinstonization was used when researching the social structures of our ancestors.
Which ape species are we most closely related to, and what does that have to do with our sexuality and social structures?
Logistics of hunter gather societies and how hoarding is shameful.
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I tell the story of a modern day hunter-gatherer society and their social structure and how they view sex.
Societies that don’t use the nuclear family system have children that never feel isolated, unloved, or traumatized by divorce.
What would it look like if we transitioned back to smaller communities within communities, similar to a little compound.